Rainbow news zambia

MMD President Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba’s Tribute to late Dr. Kalombo Mwansa

MMD President Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba’s Tribute to late Dr. Kalombo Mwansa

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*FAREWELL HON DR KALOMBO MWANSA* Tribute by: Dr Nevers Sekwila Mumba, President, New Hope Movement for Multiparty Democracy, MMD March 15th 2020 This morning, we woke up to heart breaking news of the demise of one of Zambia’s best public servants, Dr Kalombo Mwansa. He represents the face of all that is honorable in public service. His dedication and loyalty to his country has been exceptional. The Movement for Multi-party Democracy has lost one of the strongest pillars of our organization. He faithfully served his party both in government and outside government. He never once turned his back against the...

Statement by the Zambia Federation of Employers (ZFE) Acting President Mrs Myra Mara Sakala Ngoma at the Special Tripartite Consultative Labour Council Meeting held on Thursday, 26th March 2020 at Twangale Park

Statement by the Zambia Federation of Employers (ZFE) Acting President Mrs Myra Mara Sakala Ngoma at the Special Tripartite Consultative Labour Council Meeting held on Thursday, 26th March 2020 at Twangale Park

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  Honourable Minister of Labour and Social Security Mrs Joyce Nonde Simukoko, MP The Permanent Secretary, Mr. Chanda Kaziya The President of Zambia Congress of Trade Unions, Mr. Chishimba Nkole The Secretary General ZCTU Mr. Cosmus Mukuka The President of the Federation of Free Trade Unions of Zambia, Mr. Chingati Msiska The Secretary General FFTUZ Senior Government Officials present My dear colleagues from the employers The Director International Labour Organisation, Mr George Okutho The media team Ladies and Gentlemen Allow me to make some remarks on behalf of the Zambian Employers at this Special Tripartite Consultative Labour Council meeting which...

Tuesday April 21, 2020 JCTR Press Statement on Making Wearing of Masks Mandatory

Tuesday April 21, 2020 JCTR Press Statement on Making Wearing of Masks Mandatory

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Tuesday April 21, 2020 JCTR Press Statement on Making Wearing of Masks Mandatory For Immediate Release More Needs to be Done to Support Poor Households with Masks Much as the move to make wearing of surgical masks mandatory is a welcome development, the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) is of the view that there is need for more sensitisation on this matter. The Presidential announcement was made through the media and it would be wrong to assume that the message got across to all members of the public because some households might not have access to radio, TV or...



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STATEMENT FROM SOTRANE PUBLISHERS WORLD BOOK AND COPYRIGHTS DAY 2020 THURSDAY, 23RD APRIL 2020 SOTRANE Publishers, a subsidiary company of Network for Society Transformation (SOTRANE) joins the rest of the world to observe World Book and Copyright Day. Our theme is Tell A Story, with the global focus this year being “Books: A Window into the World during Covid-19.” SOTRANE Publishers is on the mission to keep our indigenous values and wisdom alive. We do so by focusing on developing, publishing, promoting and distributing African indigenous knowledge, values and wisdom and socially relevant books and literature. We believe literature is...

Sunday May 3, 2020-The Media Owners Association of Zambia (MOAZ) President Kenny Tonga commends journalists

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PRESS STATEMENT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LUSAKA- Sunday May 3, 2020-The Media Owners Association of Zambia (MOAZ) wishes to commend journalists for their tireless efforts towards the fight against the lethal coronavirus, as they commemorate the World Press Freedom Day themed: “Journalism without Fear or Favour” It is indisputable, media practitioners are risking their lives in a bid to inform and educate members of the public about the covid-19. We salute them for being heroes and heroines during this difficult period. However we urge all journalists to adhere to the health guidelines aimed at preventing the spread of the deadly virus....


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House No. 128 Mwambula Rd Jesmondine P.O. Box 37475 Lusaka, Zambia Telefax: +260 1 293649 E-mail: tizambiageneral@gmail.com Website: www.tizambia.org.zm SUNDAY 3RD May, 2020 For Immediate Release The News editor TI-ZAMBIA’S REFLECTIONS ON THIS YEARS’S WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) wishes to join the rest of the world in celebrating this year’s World Press Freedom Day under the theme “Journalism without Fear or Favour”. We believe that this is an extremely important day that allows us as a country to take a deep introspection and reflect on the progress that we have made over the years in enhancing...

“Electoral Commission of Zambia should engage all political players on 2021 General Elections” insists Leadership Movement Secretary General Brown Sinyangwe

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*Press Statement* *Sunday, 03rd May, 2020* *Lusaka.* *Electoral Commission of Zambia should engage all political players on 2021 General Elections * We wish to advise the Electoral Commission of Zambia to avoid temptations of making decisions on behalf us the Political Players. As the Leadership Movement we take opportunity to urge the elections body to call for an urgent meeting with key stakeholders namely: <Political Parties <Civil Society < Media As the Leadership Movement we demand for the commencement of National Registration Cards Issuance and Voters Registration Issuance respectively. Finally, LM joins the rest of the world in Commerating The...

WPFD Sunday 3rd May 2020: Panos Institute Southern Africa stands in solidarity withSouthern Africa media to inform and educate citizens without fear or favour, beyond COVID-19 pandemic

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*World Press Freedom Day: Advancing Journalism Without Fear or Favour* Lusaka, Sunday 03 May 2020: Today on World Press Freedom Day (WPFD), Panos Institute Southern Africa stands in solidarity with media practitioners across Southern Africa who continue to inform and educate citizens without fear or favour, despite the many hurdles caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. WPFD is commemorated globally on 3 May to enable journalists, civil society representatives, national authorities, academics and the broader public to discuss emerging challenges to press freedom and journalists’ safety, and to work together on identifying solutions. The theme for this year’s WPFD commemoration is:...

HPCZ Registrar and CEO Bwembya Bwalya applauds media role beyond promoting health sector

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By Luswepo Mutepuka – Kwilanzi News Zambia Sunday 3rd May 2020 – World Press Freedom Day (WPFD)! The Health Professions Council of Zambia (HPCZ) wishes all Journalists a Happy Press Freedom Day. Your work in many ways alerts the world and through you information to save humanity is disseminated. HPCZ Registrar and CEO Bwembya Bwalya says the role of the media is vital in all sectors including health. Mr. Bwalya salutes Journalists especially this time when the world is fighting a pandemic. “We don’t know how it would have been without the media…” Mr Bwalya states. Be the first to...

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