Zambian Philosopher Dr. Edgar Ng’oma’s ‘Wisdom Corner’ “Each Person is Living His or Her Own Script of Life… ‘like each one’s finger prints are totally different the rest”.
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A MUST READ ARTICLE ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ *WISDOM CORNER* *EACH PERSON IS LIVING HIS OWN SCRIPT OF LIFE… *like each one’s finger prints are totally different the rest.* *Author: Dr. Edgar Ng’oma~ Philosopher.* A lot of people are confused and puzzled on how certain things play out in this life sometimes concerning their own life, most times they do not understand why certain things happen the way they do. I have on several times been confronted by friends, close associates of mine , and sometimes ordinary members of public in the capital city of my country Zambia in Lusaka by unsuspecting citizens...