Ref: ‘Inciting Youths to attack News Diggers’ Managing Editor Joseph Mwenda responds to Information Dora Siliya’s Dora Siliya’s letter

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Honourable Ms Dora Siliya, MP Minister of Information and Broadcasting, New Government Complex, Nassar Road. P.O. Box 51025. Lusaka. June 14, 2020 Dear Madam, REF: INCITING YOUTHS TO ATTACK NEWS DIGGERS We are in receipt of your letter dated June 12, 2020 in which you, as Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, expressed concern over what you termed as the use of a derogatory word “stupid” by ourselves in reference to one of our editorial comments. We are grateful, Honourable Minister, that you reached out to us to express your concern and to offer your advice on behalf of government....