Institute of Economic and Social Research (INESOR) congratulates Professor Mubiana Macwan’gi
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Institute of Economic and Social Research (INESOR) congratulates Prof. Mubiana Macwan’gi
The Institute of Economic and Social Research (INESOR) congratulates Prof. Mubiana Macwan’gi, a Professor of Public Health at the Institute on the award of Outstanding Female Researcher given by the Zambia Health Research Conference held from 15 – 17 October 2018 at New Government Complex in Lusaka, Zambia.
This award recognizes a Zambian Woman Researcher whose scholarly work has greatly contributed to health research development in Zambia. Congratulations once again!

Institute of Economic and Social Research

Institute of Economic and Social Research Director Dr. Jolly Kamwanga
Dr. Jolly Kamwanga

Institute of Economic and Social Research Director Dr. Jolly Kamwanga
The Institute of Economic and Social Research (INESOR) is a center for social science research of the University of Zambia (UNZA).The Institute’s work is guided by the vision: To be a leader in social science research and scholarly programmes, which are relevant to the development of society. INESOR implements basic and applied research and related activities, which are aimed at contributing to knowledge, formulation of policies and building individual as well as institutional capacities.
The operations of the Institute, like those of the wider University of Zambia have been hampered by both internal and external constraints. In order to address these challenges, the Institute has implemented measures aimed at improving performance: aspiration, strategy, organizational skills, human resources, systems and infrastructure, as well as organization structure.

INESOR Zambia granduands
The Institute endeavors to attain its mission through the promotion of interdisciplinary research, establishing working relationships with like-minded institutions, and continuous capacity building interventions. Strategies for improving organizational skills have benefited from Organizational Capacity Assessments, which have revealed intervention areas. The urgency to increase the proportion of internally generated resources is well noted.Other than the salary subvention, the Institute is financially self-sustaining and aims at raising the level of self-financing.

INESOR zambia
Like other public institutions, the Institute faces staffing constraints and support systems as well as infrastructure limitations. To this end, strategies for improving and incentivizing staff and support systems have been implemented. The Institute will continue working with Partners, from both the public and private sectors to improve the working environment.
As the nation faces daunting challenges, which require well thought-out policy responses, INESOR is working to establish itself as the prime knowledge generation hub and reference point for national policy advice.

Institute of Economic and Social Research Director Dr. Jolly Kamwanga
Mr. Kamwanga holds a Ph.D in Health Economics and Policy from University of London, a Master’s Degree (M.A.) in Demography from the Australian National University and a B.A. in Economics & Demography Double Major from the University of Zambia. DR. Kamwanga has years of experience and vast knowledge in many countries and his areas of expertise are Monitoring & Evaluation, Capacity building, Research and Economics, Health Systems & population. He has worked with the Government of Zambia and major donor organizations such as UNDP, World Bank, DFID, USAID, UNICEF, DANIDA among others.