Category: Sustainable Development

THE “HOW” OF A REFERENDUM IN ZAMBIA Simon Kalolo Kabanda 28 October 2018

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THE “HOW” OF A REFERENDUM IN ZAMBIA Simon Kalolo Kabanda 28 October 2018 1.0. Introduction 1.1. The “How” of a Referendum in Zambia looks at factors that may hinder the success of a Referendum to amend the Bill of Rights, and proposes strategies that should lead to having a successful National Referendum in Zambia. 1.2. One impediment to holding the National Referendum to amend the Bill of Rights is the cost. In order to address this impediment, and pave way for a successful Referendum, the following should be considered: – That the Referendum should take place during the 2021 presidential...

Highvie Hamududu launches Party of National Unity (PNU) Zambia,

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By Branding Zambia 2014 in Lusaka’s Sunningdale, North of State House on May 2nd 2017 FORMER UPND Bweengwa Member of Parliament Highvie Hamududu has officially launched a new political party called Party for National Unity (PNU). Addressing a news conference during the launch of the party in Lusaka today, Mr Hamududu who served as MP from 2006 until 2011 when the UPND declined his application to recontest the seat said the aim of launching the new party is to unify the nation. Mr Hamududu, a UNZA trained Economist said PNU will aim at promoting the true spirit of national unity...

1 in 3 adolescent girls from the poorest households has never been to school – UNICEF

1 in 3 adolescent girls from the poorest households has never been to school – UNICEF

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By Georgina Thompson, UNICEF New York, Tel: +1 917 238 1559, … and John James, UNICEF Zambia, Tel: +260 977300636, As the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting begins tomorrow and education ministers convene at the Education World Forum today, UNICEF urges policy-makers to address ‘shameful’ disparities in public education spending DAVOS/GENEVA/NEW YORK, 20 January 2020 – Nearly 1 in 3 adolescent girls from the poorest households around the world has never been to school, according to a new UNICEF paper launched today as education ministers gather at the Education World Forum and as leaders prepare to convene at the World Economic...

A responsible Zambian citizen has asked Simon Kalolo Kabanda, Constitutional Making Process; ‘Would we conclude that the 2016 Amended Constitution was signed prematuely? If Yes, for what reasons?

A responsible Zambian citizen has asked Simon Kalolo Kabanda, Constitutional Making Process; ‘Would we conclude that the 2016 Amended Constitution was signed prematuely? If Yes, for what reasons?

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WOULD WE CONCLUDE THAT THE 2016 AMENDED CONSTITUTION WAS SIGNED PREMATURELY? IF YES, FOR WHAT REASONS? RESPONSE Yes. The draft Constitution that was produced by the Technical Committee on Drafting the Zambian Constitution (TCDZC) was supposed to be subjected to a National Referendum for the people of Zambia to approve it before the presidential assent. But because there was no Referendum, some important portions of what was produced by the TCDZC was left out of the equation of constitution making. For this reason some of the provisions in the 2016 amended Constitution, which are supposed to be supported by the...

Lt. Gen Mihova Calls for More Trade Between Zambia & UK

Lt. Gen Mihova Calls for More Trade Between Zambia & UK

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LONDON, Saturday, 18th January 2020 Zambia’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom His Excellency Lieutenant General Paul Mihova has said the Mission is exploiting further the business opportunities in the UK to ensure sustained contribution to the Zambian economy. Lt. Gen. Mihova made the remarks when UK envoy to the Commonwealth, Philip Parham and Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Head of Central and Southern Africa Department Sophia Willets-King paid an introductory courtesy call on him at the Zambian Mission in London. Lt. Gen. Mihova noted that there were good trade opportunities available in Zambia. The High Commissioner said he wanted to see...

Speech by His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu President of the Republic of Zambia, on the occasion of the 80 years (OAK Jubilee) Celebrations to be held at St Charles Lwanga Catholic Church Regiment Parish on Sunday, 19th January, 2019

Speech by His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu President of the Republic of Zambia, on the occasion of the 80 years (OAK Jubilee) Celebrations to be held at St Charles Lwanga Catholic Church Regiment Parish on Sunday, 19th January, 2019

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Speech by His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu President of the Republic of Zambia, on the occasion of the 80 years (OAK Jubilee) Celebrations to be held at St Charles Lwanga Catholic Church Regiment Parish on Sunday, 19th January, 2019 Theme: celebrating 80 years of existence and evangelisation. State house Lusaka Your Grace, The Archbishop of Lusaka and Apostolic Administrator of Ndola Diocese, Dr Alick Banda; Members of the Clergy, Religious Men and Women; The Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs – Hon. Rev. Godfridah Sumaili –M.P; Other Cabinet Ministers present; Senior Government officials; Area Member of Parliament; Defence...



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THE CONSTITUTION OF ZAMBIA (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2019 MEMORANDUM The object of this Bill is to amend the Constitution of Zambia so as to— (a) revise the Preamble in order to reaffirm the Christian character of Zambia; (b) revise the principles and values of the Constitution; (c) revise the electoral system for elections to the NationalAssembly; (d) revise the period for dissolution of the National Assembly; (e) revise the period of hearing and determination of apresidential election petition; (f) revise the manner of election of mayor and councilchairperson; (g) establish the office of deputy minister; (h) revise the composition of the...

Unicaf University Zambia rewards female creativity and innovation on  World Intellectual Property Day (WIPD)

Unicaf University Zambia rewards female creativity and innovation on World Intellectual Property Day (WIPD)

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    Posted by Derrick Sinjela on Sunday, January 19, 2020 ABOUT UNICAF Unicaf is the leading online platform offering affordable, quality higher education to underserved markets, in collaboration with reputable universities in the UK, US, Europe and Africa. Unicaf offers one of the most generous scholarship programmes available today. With the financial support of Unicaf Scholarships and by utilising the Unicaf state-of-the-art digital learning platform, students in sub-Saharan Africa, and almost anywhere in the world, can have access to internationally recognised higher education. Unicaf partners with universities in the UK, the US, Europe and Africa to offer online, quality undergraduate and post graduate degrees, to the benefit of thousands of...

Chibaula D. Silwamba is married to Euphrasia Fara Mawere Silwamba

Chibaula D. Silwamba is married to Euphrasia Fara Mawere Silwamba

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THE Media in the house… Posted by Chibaula D. Silwamba on Friday, February 14, 2014 Chibaula D. Silwamba is married to Euphrasia Fara Mawere Silwamba Be the first to like. Like Unlike

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