Create Cooperatives Ministry, Highvie Hamududu implores President Edgar Chagwa Lungu
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By Derrick Sinjela and Favourite Jenala Kalando in Lusaka AS ZAMBIA grapples with high poverty, high income inequality and high unemployment, Party of National Unity (PNU) President Highvie Hamududu urging President Edgar Chagwa Lungu to heed calls seeking immediate establishment of fully-fledged Cooperatives Ministry. Preaching home grown solutions to Zambia’s myriad of socio-economic woes, Mr. Hamududu advised President Lungu to abolish one or two ministries to create space for the establishment of a fully-fledged Cooperatives Ministry. Formerly Chairperson of the Expanded Parliamentary Committee on Estimates, Hamududu believes that once established, a fully-fledged Cooperatives Ministry will facilitate anticipated socio-economic transformation. “Government...