Category: Latest News

Professor Mpazi Sinjela appointed Unicaf Chancellor University by founder and Chief Executive Officer Nicos Nicolaou

Professor Mpazi Sinjela appointed Unicaf Chancellor University by founder and Chief Executive Officer Nicos Nicolaou

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    Professor Mpazi Sinjela Appointed Unicaf Chancellor University By Mike Sichula- The Speech Analyst PROFESSOR Mpazi Sinjela, has been appointed Chancellor of the UNICAF University says UNICAF University Founder and Chief Executive Officer Nicos Nicolaou.   Professor Sinjela becomes the University’s first Chancellor. He will serve as Chancellor-Elect until his installation as Chancellor at the first available degree congregation. UNICAF University CEO Nicolaou explained that the appointment of Professor Sinjela is a demonstration of the intent of the University to strive for excellence. “We are delighted that Professor Sinjela has accepted the role of Chancellor. He brings a wealth...

Saturday 12th July 2020 CTPD seeks reform of Zambia’s Artisanal and small-scale Gold Mining Taxation 

Saturday 12th July 2020 CTPD seeks reform of Zambia’s Artisanal and small-scale Gold Mining Taxation 

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Contact: Mwaka Nyimbili Centre for Trade Policy and Development Phone: +260 211 264409|+260975876038 Fax: +260 211266234 Plot 123, Kudu Road Kabulonga FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: 12/07/20 Saturday 12th July 2020 CTPD seeks reform of Zambia’s Artisanal and small-scale Gold Mining Taxation  MINING remains the backbone of Zambia’s economy accounting for 12% of gross domestic product, 28% of domestic revenue generation, and over 50,000 jobs both directly and indirectly. The proliferation of extracting maximal benefits from Zambia’s mining sector depends on the robust design of mining taxation. A robust mining taxation regime should raise sufficient revenue for the Government but at...

Kalomo District’s Senior Chief Chikanta condemns ‘UPND’ cadre jeering of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu

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Kalomo District’s Senior Chief Chikanta condemns ‘UPND’ cadre jeering of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu By Chibesa Mulala Public Relations Officer (PRO) Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs SENIOR Chief Chikanta of Kalomo District in the Southern Province has condemned the behavior of opposition political party cadres in Monze District, who jeered President Edgar Chagwa Lungu while on a Presidential Your of Duty. In a Saturday 11th July, 2020 Media Statement, circulated by Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs, Senior Chief Chikanta’s reprimand followed the Presidential visit to the Southern Province where he had gone to commission 70 new...

E-learning in Zambia – How Practical?…asks Texila American University (TAU) Deputy Vice Chancellor Vijay Kumar Rajaranthinam 

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  E-learning in Zambia – How Practical?…asks Texila American University (TAU) Deputy Vice Chancellor Vijay Kumar Rajaranthinam Lusaka, Wednesday 8th July, 2020 – Texila AMERICAN University has commended Zamtel for making access to internet services free for its students. Speaking in Lusaka today (Wednesday 8th July 2020), TAU Deputy Vice Chancellor Vijay Kumar Rajaranthinam has commended Zamtel for making internet free for TAU students to facilitate electronic learning and to ease their economic burden on data bundles. Dr. Vijay has further implored other mobile service providers to emulate the gesture. He said as much as e-learning is affordable for some,...

Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR)Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket (BNNB) Media Statement Wednesday 8th July, 2020

Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR)Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket (BNNB) Media Statement Wednesday 8th July, 2020

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Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR)Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket (BNNB) Media Statement Wednesday 8th July, 2020 SUSTAINING and committing to the plight of the poor in the era of the “New Normal” Midway through the year 2020, it is still impossible to put an end date to the Coronavirus pandemic. Realizing so, several nations have begun to ease restrictions in a bid to keep their economies afloat and preserve livelihoods. Zambia is one such nation. While the country is slowly opening up the economy, the impact of the virus on the economy cannot be overlooked. In the latest COVID-19...

My best friend was behind my break-up, she slept with my husband more than once and made me have sleepless nights

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Call or WhatsApp Dr. Kalimanzila: +260764686962 or e-mail on: and visit My best friend was behind my break-up, she slept with my husband more than once and made me have sleepless nights   The dictionary definition of the word Human refers to the characteristic of people’s better qualities, such as kindness or sensitivity. It is our natural instinct to show empathy and feel strongly when we see other beings suffering, whether it’s people or animals. When Marie Limpo * explains how her best friend from back home took over her husband for 2 months, it does not start with their relationship...

*Media Statement by *Senior Chief Mukuni*on Princess Sekute does not qualify to speak on befalf of the Chiefs of Southern Province on Bill 10 or any other matter* 

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*Media Statement by *Senior Chief Mukuni*on Princess Sekute does not qualify to speak on befalf of the Chiefs of Southern Province on Bill 10 or any other matter* Sunday 5th July 2020 _PRINCESS SEKUTE DOES NOT QUALIFY TO SPEAK ON BEFALF OF THE CHIEFS OF SOUTHERN PROVINCE ON BILL 10 OR ANY OTHER MATTER_ By Senior Chief Mukuni* of the Leya people of Kazungula  Livingstone, Zimba & Districts and all the Bene Mukuni I WISH TO categorically rebut the assertions reported by several news media including the National Broadcaster ZNBC two days ago, which stated that ‘Chieftainess’ Sekute spoke on...

Zitukule Consortium concerned over 2021 general elections being devoid of electoral integrity and credibility due to Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) behaviour

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  Zitukule Press Statement for Immediate Release Monday 6th June 2020 By Nicholas Phiri Executive Director – Zitukule Consortium As Zitukule Consortium, we are concerned that the 2021 general elections may be devoid of electoral integrity and credibility going by the behaviour of the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) and some stakeholders. Earlier this year, the ECZ unilaterally decided to cancel the practice of independent observation of the printing of ballot papers for the 2021 general elections by political parties and civil society. While the Commission argued that it was unable to meet the cost for supporting an observation mission,...

“Let us not use social media as a platform for insulting elders and one another,” PF National Youth League Chairperson Kelvin Mutale Sampa advises youths

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LET US NOT USE SOCIAL MEDIA AS A PLATFORM FOR INSULTING ELDERS AND ONE ANOTHER – KELVIN SAMPA ADVISES YOUTHS By Luswepo Mutepuka – Kwilanzi News Zambia PATRIOTIC Front (PF) National Youth League Chairperson Kelvin Sampa has urged youths countrywide to use the social media responsibly ahead of the 2021 general elections and beyond. Mr. Sampa, who is Kasama Central Member of Parliament, says social media should not be used as a platform for insulting elders and those entrusted with the responsibility to run the country’s affairs. He said it is disappointing to see some young people turning the social...

Mporokoso School of Nursing construction impresses Mporokoso MP Brian Mundubile

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LAW MAKER IMPRESSED WITH STANDARD OF WORKS ON PROJECTS* *………as Brian Mundubile inspects development projects in Mporokoso Constituency, Northern Province MPOROKOSO Central Member of Parliament (MP) Brian Mundubile is impressed with works on projects being undertaken in his Constituency which he says conform to the 7th National Development Plan (7NDP) the PF government has been following* Brian Mundubile said in Mporokoso Saturday 4th July 2020 that the works contractors are putting up on projects in his area are a true reflection of the 7NDP’s Development Equality which government is pursuing.   Mr. Mundubile inspected works on the township drainage, ongoing...

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