Category: Gender & health


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By Derrick Sinjela. Dangote Cement employees have been awarded salary increments ranging from K1000 Kwacha and 15 percent respectively to all its employees. The revised perks are effective 1st January 2022. According to a statement signed by Director Linda Mataka, the development follows weeks of protracted but fruitful negotiations between Dangote’s principal Labour contractors Silondwa Engineering and the Mine Union Workers of Zambia (MUZ) and the Mine Contractors, Factory and Allied Workers Union (MCFAWU). The statement said the Joint collective bargaining salary increase talks which commmenced in November 2021 and were finally agreed and signed on 28th January 2022 by...

Understanding the Fertilizer Wars!

Understanding the Fertilizer Wars!

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Why Fret?   SPECIAL REPORT By Davis Mataka ‘When a carcass begins to fester, the big green flies start to gather over the kill in their thousands. Not even the violent swing of a fly swatter can scuttle the collective resolve they have to feed off; as droves continue to congregate. To conceal the rot is an attempt in futility because the petrifying pungent smell gives away the crime scene. Soon, even those people minding their own business begin to take notice. You know you are the culprit and you start to panic.’ This author attempts to unravel a well...


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HARASSING PF OVER FUNDING HYPOCRITICAL, UNDEMOCRATIC …Why’s UPND not being followed as well? EDWIN LIFWEKELO PF Deputy Media Director (DMD) THE continued harassment of the opposition Patriotic Front (PF) Party by the United Party for National Development (UPND) Government over its sources of funding is hypocritical. It is an assault on Zambia’s democracy. Zambians must be worried that the New Dawn government is ignoring the concerns recently raised by various stakeholders, including the Church and a consortium of civil society organisations (CSOs) over its undemocratic practices and excesses. The new government has continued using state institutions, especially the police, Anti-corruption...

Legendary Artistic Journalist Ashton Kelly Bunda Happy Birthday

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  By Derrick Sinjela He is almost self-taught and disciplined in the same breath since he studied    journalism through distance education from Central African Correspondence College (CACC) that hails from Zimbabwe and he was introduced to the music instrument harmonica at the age of 11years. Bunda  who kicked off his journalism career as  foot soldier  in  the year 1998 at the National Mirror Newspaper in Lusaka  clocks a  year older and wiser on Monday, 31st January, 2022 is high  achiever as  ‘An Early  Bird Catch  A Worm’  by campaigning  for the National Sports Day (NSD) and  Zambia Sports Day (ZSD)...

100+ international companies and organisations partake in Rosatom’s “Breakthrough Technologies for a Sustainable Future” week at EXPO-2020

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Taking place as part of World Expo 2020 in Dubai (UAE), Rosatom’s thematic weeklong event “Breakthrough Technologies for a Sustainable Future” came to a close on January 24. The event – unprecedented in terms of scale – saw Rosatom representatives taking part in 18 sessions dedicated to the role of advanced technologies in achieving a sustainable future and solving the most pressing challenges of our time.   The week’s sessions were attended by representatives of more than 100 companies from across the world, including leaders from the global energy industry and related fields; governments, departments, and regulators; non-governmental and expert...

Rosatom presents full Small Modular Reactors product line at EXPO 2020

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Rosatom, a global technological leader, has hosted Small Modular Reactors Day, the key event of its ‘Breakthrough Technologies for a Sustainable Future’ programme at EXPO 2020, which is currently taking place in Dubai. The event was held on 20 January 2022 with the participation of Rosatom Director General Alexey Likhachev, World Nuclear Association head Sama Bilbao y Leon, and high-ranking representatives from international organisations, foreign governments and partner companies. UAE Atomic Energy Corporation Director General Mohamed Al-Hammadi and Russian Ambassador to the UAE Timur Zabirov attended the event. Small Modular Reactors Day was an international platform for discussing the benefits...

Rosatom takes part in “Clean Nuclear Energy Day” events at COP26

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Glasgow, UK – “Clean Nuclear Energy Day” took place on November 8 as part of the twenty-sixth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP26), held in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The special “Clean Nuclear Energy Day” programme was made possible with Rosatom’s support. Taking place at the pavilion of the Russian Federation, the programme focused on the role of nuclear energy in the fight against climate change and in implementing the UN’s sustainable development goals. In his video greeting, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi noted the significant contribution of nuclear energy – a clean...

Russian artist graces Lusaka museum

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FRANCIS LUNGU Lusaka…November 8, 2021. IN DEEPENED bilateral cultural exchange between Zambia and Russia, an artist from the Asian country has been invited under the auspice of the Russian Center of Science and Culture and the Lusaka National Museum for a performance. Russian Opera singer, Vladimir Hertz, who is currently on tour in Zambia, will be giving a live performance show on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, at Lusaka National Museum from 09:00am – 10:00am. Mr. Hertz is in Zambia under Russia-Zambia Cultural Exchange program organized by the Russian House in Lusaka. The media and the general public has been invited to...

ROSATOM Launches Global Atomic Quiz Celebrating World Science Day on 10 November

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Do you want to have some nerdy fun and find out how the world works on atomic level? Atoms are everywhere – in our homes, the technologies we use, out in nature and even in outer space playing a significant role in the life of our Universe. On November 10, the World Science Day, Rosatom’s Global Atomic Quiz is coming back! Everyone is welcomed to test one’s knowledge and learn something new about atoms along the way. Global Atomic Quiz is Rosatom’s annual one-day international initiative. Last year, the project brought together over 12,000 nuclear enthusiasts from more than 70...

Why few holding SOME brakes on IMF support?

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By Kelvin Chisanga, Zambian Economist and Communications Specialist +260 97 9305194 The economy is at stake, the IMF is coming in as a cooling agent to two important things here, one to neutralize the effect that we are currently faced with, especially the pressure to make repayments, secondly, to make and help us foster in leveraging on the economic growth and we need domestic growth to liberate economic wheels, otherwise we will be heading to collapsing of the economy, simply because the current happenings can’t take us anywhere. Am very much aware of the impact that we faced previous in...

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