Category: Gender & health

Bank Towers Competing to Kiss the Gods in Toronto’s Central Business District at King and Bay Streets

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Bank Towers Competing to Kiss the Gods in Toronto’s Central Business District at King and Bay Streets. Be the first to like. Like Unlike

INDENI closure worries UNIP Acting President Mike Kaira

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By Derrick Sinjela The United National Independence Party (UNIP) is unhappy following the closure and eventual transformation of INDENI into an oil marketing operator. In a Thursday, 1st September, 2022 Press Statement released from Ndola, Copperbelt Province UNIP Acting President Mike Kaira protested the turning of INDENI into an oil marketing operation. A greatly disturbed Kaira lamented that UNIP is saddened over the development on account of reason which prompted it’s formation still being as valid as at INDENI’s establishment. Kaira recollected that as a land locked country, surrounded with eight neighbours, Zambia was made to uplift her fuel from...


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AKKUYU NUCLEAR has become a partner in a project to monitor, protect and save the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta), green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) and Nile softshell sea turtle (Trionyx triunguis) in the Göksu River Delta Conservation Area. The project is implemented by the General Directorate of Natural Heritage Protection under the Ministry of Environment, Urban Planning and Climate Change of the Republic of Turkey. The project held a traditional environmental clean-up event on the sea turtle nesting area at Kum Mahallesi beach near Tashuçu, where the builders of the nuclear power plant live. The campaign was also aimed...


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By Edmond Miti TECHNOLOGY and Science Minister Felix Chipota Mutati has said the preservation of culture should be paramount in order to solidify its values and pass on tradition to the future generations. Mr. Mutati has also urged those gifted to sing to work hard and use their imagination to make music as part of expression as Zambains’ culture is that of happiness and meaningfulness. The minister made the call when he officiated the launch of a musical album by the 08:15 Choir of St Ignatius Catholic Parish in Lusaka’s Rhodespark residential area which is titled ‘kutinaeba amabwe’ translated as...

Multichoice Zambia Limited ‘Searching for stories to tell beyond Chokolo and Tuvwange’

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By Derrick Sinjela and Henry Chunza I RECEIVED a phone call from Daniel Tonga just as I had reached football house, briefing him that Saeed Simon Banda had a migraine and would be replaced with Henry Chunza. As we sat in the lobby, Daniel, handed us two black ‘Sharing Our Stories’ DStv and GOtv tee-shirts and I encouraged Chunza to adorn one. We later Drove to Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) mass media studios on Alick Nkhata road and after disembarking found out that the Tuvwange team had changed the shooting location. At 09:38 Hours, the media entourage then drove...

Justice Delayed for Alpha Commodities Limited

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By a Correspondent   Alpha Commodities Limited (Alpha) a Zambian domiciled and owned agri-inputs supply company has bemoaned delayed justice in a $1,904,300 fertilizer stock theft matter which occurred in 2018.   Alpha has sued the Attorney General (representing Zambia Police) as the 2nd defendant and Nyiombo Investments Limited (In receivership) and David Katepa 3rd defendant (sued in his personal capacity.) in the High Court.   According to company spokesperson Jolif Nyirenda, the matter involves the disappearance of 30,434 X 50kg bags of urea fertiliser and 396 x 50kg bags of Compound D fertiliser worth an estimated $1,904,300.00 (one million...

The Zambian Mining Industry ……Beware of those Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

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By An Observer. …………………………………………………………………….. The resurgence of the Zambian economy has seen a plethora of all manner and sorts of foreign investors, businessmen, some genuine, some wannabes and some just outright world renounced crooks masquerading as industrialists waiting for a chance for a sip from the copper chalice. The government is therefore implored to be weary and place water -tight due diligence and vetting processes which will weed out those who wish to plunder, make a quick buck and flee leaving the ordinary citizens who are the true owners of the wealth wallowing in abject poverty and helplessness. Copper mining...

Rosatom, Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Sign Сontract for Joint Work at El-Dabaa NPP in Egypt

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  Rosatom engineering division (Atomstroyexport JSC) and Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co. Ltd. (KHNP) have concluded a contract for the construction of turbine islands under the El-Dabaa NPP project in Egypt. According to the agreement, the Korean company will construct some 80 buildings and structures at four units of the power plant and will procure and supply equipment and materials for the turbine islands. “The contract with Atomstroyexport JSC for the construction of the turbine islands can be seen as a significant achievement for Korea confirming our great capabilities for project construction and management that have already been demonstrated...

Education: WALKING ON THIN ICE [The Delicate Economic Case of ZAMBIA] – Tiliko slow! PILGRIM Tuesday, 16th August, 2022

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Education WALKING ON THIN ICE [The Delicate Economic Case of ZAMBIA] _____________ The reason the Kwacha has posted marginal gains in value is NOT because Zambia’s economy is doing well. This is a problem. A laudable and sustainable currency appreciation should result from improved forex receipts emanating from economic performance, a healthy balance of payments supported by actual economic activities. This is NOT the case for Zambia. Here are the reasons Zambia’s Kwacha has marginally appreciated: _____________ 1. Reduced imports by citizens [low credit in the economy; Zambians have no money] 2. Monetary tightening [the base rate increased by the...

CTPD urges Government to strengthen forward and backward linkages between agriculture and manufacturing sectors in Zambia

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By Saeed Simon Banda, Henry Chunza and Derrick Sinjela in Lusaka, Zambia CENTRE for Trade Policy and Development (CTPD) Trade and Development Researcher Emmanuel Muma urging the United Party for National Development (UPND) Administration through Agriculture Minister Reuben Mtolo Phiri and Technology and Science Minister Felix Chipota Mutati to develop strong forward and backward linkages between agriculture and manufacturing sectors in Zambia. Mr. Muma implored Mr. Phiri and Mr. Mutati to ensure that policies are anchored on promoting evolution of technology to aid and enhance the agriculture sector with proven production technologies and supportive policies in agriculture and manufacturing sectors....

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