Category: Gender & health

Ephraim Son of Africa

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MISA Zambia Chairperson Hellen Mwale urges ECZ to let diaspora citizens to vote

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By Smart Eagles Zambia 2020 ..As MISA also notes the progress made to facilitate for the participation of prisoners in the electoral process Tuesday….March 3 2020 (Smart Eagles) The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Zambia Chapter has called on the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to consider allowing Zambians living in the Diaspora to vote. The call has been made after the ruling by the constitutional court that allowed that prisoners can participate in elections. Speaking at a press briefing Tuesday morning, MISA Zambia chapter chairperson Helen Mwale noted the progress and positive development that has been made by...

“Much Ado about Zambia,” it’s Constitution, Leaders and Cadres…FDD only peaceful alternative party

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MUCH ADO ABOUT ZAMBIA, IT'S CONSTITUTION, LEADERS AND CADRES.The current situation in Zambia regarding it's "Supreme… Posted by FDD Zambia (Forum for Democracy & Development) on Wednesday, March 4, 2020   Be the first to like. Like Unlike

Zambia Land Alliance (ZLA) Organizational Profile

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Zambia Land Alliance ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE 1. BACKGROUND Zambia Land Alliance (ZLA) is a network of non-governmental organizations advocating for fair land policies, laws and administrative systems that take into consideration the interests of the poor and marginalized. The Alliance was founded in 1997 and operates through a National office, eighti (08) national members, eightii (08) District Land Alliances (DLAs) and twoiii (02) district project offices. Each DLA has its own member network at district level. ZLA’s vision is to see a Zambia in which the rural, peri-urban and urban poor and vulnerable communities have secured access, ownership and control over...

Dumisani Lingamangali Ncube’s DLN Entrepreneurship Institute extolled by Dr. Rozious Siatwambo

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DEAR FRIENDS, There is a major reason Dumisani Lingamangali Ncube is called the Raddical Entrepreneur. Thank you so much my friend, for making it to the event, and speaking to the people that gathered. Thank you for speaking to us about DLN Entrepreneurship Institute. Thank you for sponsoring 50 people. We are so grateful. Zambia is blessed to have you. Whether you were there physically or not, how did you love his message, last Saturday? 29th February 2020. Ozon Ngoma Inspirational still keeping the videos. And don’t be surprised one day I will come just to collect info and tap from...

Classic Woods Radio 98.9FM

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Programs Currently Running TIME NAME OF PROGRAM (1) 08:00-10:00hours ———————————- Breakfast show (Monday-Friday) (2) 13:45 & 18:45hours —————————— Main News Bulleting (3) 10:00 hour——————————————-News Headlines (Monday- Friday) (4) 10:00-12:00hours ———————————-Top 10 count down (every Friday) (5) 11:00-12:00hours ——————————— Classic Talk (Every Thursday) (6) 15:00-16:00hours ——————————— Community News (Monday- Friday) (7) 17:00-17:15hours ——————————— African News Edition (Monday-Friday) (8) 16:00-17:00hours ——————————— Rumba Drive Show (Every Friday) (9) 09:00-10:00hours ——————————— Community Matters (Every Saturday) (10)22:00-23:00hours ———————————Chakumutima Chimani Baba (Every Tuesday) (11) 21:00-24:00hours ——————————– Mankalidwe (Every Friday) (12) 08:00-10:00hours ——————————— Bible Review (13) 19:00-1945hours———————————- Sports Analysis (Every Monday, Thursday And Friday) Contact Details Office...

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