Category: Editors Choice

China champions peace, development, confronts “jackals, wolves” head on

China champions peace, development, confronts “jackals, wolves” head on

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China champions peace, development, confronts “jackals, wolves” head on Source: Xinhua Editor: huaxia 2023-03-08 00:06:46 0:00 /1:24 * China is committed to an independent foreign policy of peace and a mutually beneficial strategy of opening-up. * China firmly opposes hegemony and the Cold War mentality. * China champions an open and inclusive world economy and the building of a community with a shared future for humanity. BEIJING, March 7 (Xinhua) — China on Tuesday pledged its commitment to global peace and development, as well as its readiness to confront “jackals or wolves” head on to defend its sovereignty, security and...

2022 ICT Sector Recorded Positive Growth cheers ZICTA’s Hanford Chaaba

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By Derrick Sinjela, Henry Chunza, Simon Banda and Muleya Idaho Chongo  ZAMBIA Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) Manager Corporate Communications Hanford Chaaba anticipates improvements in uptake and usage of ICT services on the backdrop of increased investments by operators in the capacity and coverage of their networks, competitive pricing outcomes on the market as well as general improvement in demand for ICT services. Mr. Chaaba’s optimism arises from the 2022 Annual Market Performance Report for the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Sector, which  shows increased utilisation of ICT services in the Zambia over the period January to December of...

Witner Kapembwa Mutale-Nalumango launches Inonge Mutukwa Wina’s “When Duty Calls” book

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Zambia’s former First Female Republican Vice President Inonge Mutukwa Wina (Left) and Second Female Republican Vice President Witner Kapembwa Mutale-Nalumango (Right) launching “When Duty Calls” on Friday, 3rd March, 2023 at the Taj Pamodzi Hotel, Church Road, Lusaka, Zambia Be the first to like. Like Unlike

Multimillion-dollar boost for small business as Zambian SME’s Join the MultiChoice Africa Accelerator Programme 

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By Derrick Sinjela , Saeed Simon Banda and Henry Chunza FOLLOWING the success of the MultiChoice Africa Accelerator Programme, which secured $16 million (USD) of funding for six (6) emerging businesses last year, the programme has been expanded to eight more countries across Africa. Many more small businesses in Africa’s technology sector now have the chance to benefit from the 2023 programme, which provides the skills and opportunities needed to attract transformative business funding. At the beginning of the program five Zambian SME’s, who were selected for the program, presented their ideas to a panel of judges and three, Lupiya,...


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…As they pledge to sensitize local community on climate change  By Rainbow Newspaper Zambia Limited (RNZL) Correspondent  in Isoka District, Muchinga Province THE Muchinga Province drama group trainees have praised the Zambian Government for providing them with information on climate change and sustainable natural resource management through the Transforming Landscapes for Resilience and Development (TRALARD) Project. The trainees have pledged to use the knowledge they have gained to educate local communities on the causes and effects of climate change, as well as to encourage them to adopt positive practices in relation to climate change adaptation and sustainable natural resource management....


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Friday, 17th February, 2023: Pretoria, South Africa IWMI SUPPORTING ZAMBIAN GOVERNMENT WITH POST-FLOOD RECOVERY STRATEGY ASSISTANCE PRESS RELEASE The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is working with the Zambian government for improved knowledge generation and effective advisory services following the floods that affected more than 20,000 people in Zambia in 2023. Zambia’s Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) has reportedly described the ongoing floods in the Southern and Central Provinces of the  country as “catastrophic”. A rising number of communities are at risk of contaminated flood waters, submerged sanitation, collapsed infrastructure, damaged homes, and imminent waterborne diseases that stem from...

Malawi Tells Farmers Not to Panic Over Armyworms

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Malawi Tells Farmers Not to Panic Over Armyworms January 03, 2017 1:13 PM Lameck Masina An agriculture extension worker in Zambia inspects maize fields in the wake of an armyworm invasion. (Courtesy – Derrick Sinjela in Zambia) BLANTYRE, MALAWI — Officials in Malawi say they are on high alert for a possible invasion of armyworms which have attacked crops in neighboring Zambia. The country is spraying pesticides in an effort to halt the spread. Armyworms are caterpillars that feed on green pastures and cereal crops like maize, a staple food in Zambia and Malawi. The worms invaded Zambian maize crops last...

Education is a right in Zambia, Douglas Munsaka Syakalima tells Education Ministers Group of 77 Plus China

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Education is a right in Zambia, Douglas Munsaka Syakalima tells Education Ministers Group of 77 Plus China ….“Zambia Promotes Quality Education and Innovation at G77 Meeting.” By DERRICK SINJELA, SAEED SIMON BANDA, HENRY CHUNZA and MALVIN NKHOMA In a Paper virtually presented by the Minister of Education in Zambia Douglas Munsaka Syakalima at the Meeting of the Ministers of Education of the Group of 77 Plus China, Zambia reinforced that access to literacy is a right. Deliberating as an abstract, Syakalima indicated without hesitation that the Government of Zambia recognizes education as a right for all citizens and interprets quality...

“The Nederburg Mastercook Chefs Competition” clocks 10 year

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Mastercook Zambia Press Release Thursday, 2nd February, 2023 Launch of Season Five (5) of The Mastercook Zambia Cooking Competition During a Thursday, 2nd February, 2023  media gathering at Lusaka’s The Urban Hotel Crossroads intersection of Leopards Hill Road and Lake Road,  Mastercook Zambia announced the start of the Fifth (5th) Season of the Reality TV Chefs competition which will see the brand partner with Distell Zambia’s Nederburg Wines. The Show will now be referred to as “The Nederburg Mastercook Chefs Competition”. Speaking during the launch, Distell Zambia Head of Trade, Amusaa Zaza, said his beverage firm is proud to be...

Aluta Continua Zambia’s Deputy High Commissioner to Tanzania Ambassador Anthony Bwalya… listen or read this trajectory by Veteran Journalist Comrade Charles Chisala

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Aluta Continua Zambia’s Deputy High Commissioner to Tanzania Ambassador Anthony Bwalya… listen or read this trajectory by Veteran Journalist Comrade Charles Chisala ACCEPTING CHANGE: BALM TO THE SOUL …Will save you from unnecessary stress. By Charles Chisala, Veteran Journalist and Media Trainer/Consultant IT reminds me of my own ‘redeployment’ in 2012 after the change of government. The entire News Desk was dismantled and its staff earmarked for dismissal, demotion or redeployment. I was the Deputy News Editor. What a turbulent time. One day a minister rudely stormed into our editorial meeting brandishing a list of journalists perceived to be...

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