Zanaco Daily Treasury Newsletter
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Contact the Zanaco Treasury Team: Virginia Mwalilino (0977 561166), Nyangu Mwansa (0977 600228), Mudenda Sikapoto (0977 796025), Nana Mukwiza (0966 745656) ,Roy Mbazima (0977199495), Jibinga Jibinga (0977 836332), Kawang’u Sakuwaha (0972 973318) Landlines: +260-(211)-425 795/425 796/425 798/4257 99/+260 977 915903/+260 961 050352 Local Currency Markets Thursday’s session saw the local currency trade within its newly established range as it continues to battle for support in a dollar strained market. The kwacha made marginal loses to close at K17.4550/17.5050 on the bid and the offer respectively against it opening levels of K K17.4200/17.4700 per dollar. The kwacha is anticipated to...