Category: Business

MISA Zimbabwe’s new-look website promotes the right to information and free speech

MISA Zimbabwe’s new-look website promotes the right to information and free speech

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MISA Zimbabwe’s new-look website promotes the right to information and free speech The overhauled website provides in-depth analysis and commentary, as well as the latest developments in the media and information sectors HARARE, Zimbabwe, October 3, 2017 MISA Zimbabwe has launched its revamped website, making it easier to keep up with freedom of expression and access to information developments in Zimbabwe and across southern Africa. The overhauled website provides in-depth analysis and commentary, as well as the latest developments in the media and information sectors. Notably, it holds an extensive collection of papers, publications and legislation in the...

Affordable housing key for development and social equality, UN says on World Habitat Day

Affordable housing key for development and social equality, UN says on World Habitat Day

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With 1.6 billion people living in inadequate housing, one billion of whom reside in slums and informal settlements, the United Nations is spotlighting affordable homes on Monday’s World Habitat Day, which also marks the official start of Urban October – a month of worldwide celebrations and citizens’ engagement in urban life worldwide. “While millions of people lack suitable homes, the stock of vacant houses is gradually increasing,” said Dr. Joan Clos Executive Director of the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) in a message commemorating the Day under the 2017 theme ‘Housing Policies: Affordable Homes.’ “Ensuring housing affordability is therefore a...

Panos supports community members to adopt fish farming

Panos supports community members to adopt fish farming

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Sinazongwe,  Wednesday 4 October 2017 Realizing the far-reaching threats presented by fish depletion in water bodies like lakes and rivers, Panos Institute Southern Africa has supported the community members along the Zambezi Valley to adopt fish farming as one of the solutions. So far, communities in areas such as Nzenga, Miziyo, Twigashane, Lunkantamo, Nambisa, Malima, Mwezya, Mweka and Donga in Sinazongwe district, Mambova, Sinde, Chikuyu and Libala in Kazungula district have started the construction of fish ponds. This is part of the Deepening Communiy Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) in Zambia project, which Panos is implementing with support from Finland...

Community members call for increased government support to access tree seedlings

Community members call for increased government support to access tree seedlings

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  By Lilian Saka Kiefer  Executive Director, Panos Institute Southern Africa (PSAf) Email:, Tel: +260978778148/9 Katete, Friday, 8th  September 2017 COMMUNITY members in Kagoro, Keni and Yambani areas of Katete District in the Eastern Province are calling for increased government support for them to access seedlings of indigenous and exotic tree species that will enable them to arrest rampant deforestation in the areas. In response to the massive deforestation and land degradation that has left most of the area bare and caused soil infertility, Panos Institute Southern Africa (PSAf) mobilised community members in the three areas and other parts of...

Nissan distributor continues its winning streak in Ghana

Nissan distributor continues its winning streak in Ghana

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By Nthabiseng Motsepe General Manager, Corporate Communications Nissan South Africa Japan Motors wins Motor Firm of the Year Award for third year in a row  Nissan retains prestigious marketing award Achieves largest market share in Ghana Is voted most worthy and respected auto brand  ACCRA, Ghana (October 2, 2017) – Japan Motors Trading Company (Japan Motors), Nissan’s sole distributor in Ghana,  continued its award-winning run when it was crowned 2016’s Motor Firm of the Year Award for a third consecutive time. The Chartered Institute of Marketing Ghana (CIMG) conferred the award at the Institute’s Marketing Awards ceremony in Accra on September...

2018 Budget measures unlikely to reduce high poverty levels-JCTR

2018 Budget measures unlikely to reduce high poverty levels-JCTR

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Press statement Wednesday 4th October, 2017. On Friday, 29th September, 2017, the Minister of Finance presented the 2018 fiscal year budget under the theme: “Accelerating fiscal fitness for sustained inclusive growth without leaving anyone behind”. The budget was presented at the time when according to the 2015 Living Conditions Monitoring Survey (LCMS), Zambia’s national poverty levels is at 54.4% and rural poverty at 76.6%. The poverty connotation is associated with citizens lacking access to essentials required for a dignified standard of living such as health, education and a decent standard of living. The cost of living has consistently been increasing in the...

Zambian Media Industry growth cheers Eustace Nkandu

Zambian Media Industry growth cheers Eustace Nkandu

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By Ashton Kelly Bunda Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) Director – Standards, Licensing & Compliance Eustace Nkandu has urged the journalist to raise the standards by being professional and ethical since the horizon of the media industry has widened. The jovial looking Nkandu said his organization is overjoyed with the growing media industry and that the Zambian media should identify themselves with quality content that that will standout in the competitive global village , he was speaking during the Top star subscription bouquets launch at the top star offices in Lusaka. Nkandu said that was quick to point out that the...

President Lungu makes State House, Cabinet Office  appointments

President Lungu makes State House, Cabinet Office appointments

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LUSAKA, (Thursday, 28th September, 2017) His Excellency Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu President of the Republic of Zambia has made various appointments at State House, Cabinet Office and in the Foreign Service as follows: (1) Dr Simon Miti, Principal Private Secretary -State House; (2) Mr Patrick Kangwa, Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet-Administration, Cabinet Office; (3) Mr Mabvuto Sakala, Permanent Secretary- Ministry of Higher Education; (4) Mr Owen Mgemezulu, Permanent Secretary –Administration, Cabinet Office, (transfer); (5) Ms Yande Mwape, National Coordinator, Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit; (6) Ms Alfreda Kansembe Mwamba, Ambassador, Republic of Brazil; and (7) Mr Anthony Mukwita, Ambassador, Federal...

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu at 49th Swaziland International Trade Fair Mbabane

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu at 49th Swaziland International Trade Fair Mbabane

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Speech by His Excellency Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu President of the Republic of Zambia, At the official opening of The 49th Swaziland International Trade Fair in Mbabane, Swaziland Theme: ‘‘Unlocking Trade Opportunities for Economic Growth’.’’ Saturday, 2nd September 2017   • Your Majesty, King Mswati III, of the Kingdom of Swaziland;   • The Prime Minister Mr. Barnabas Sibusiso Dlamini;   • Cabinet ministers present;   • Senior government officials;   • Chief executive officer of Swaziland Investment Promotion Authority;   • Captains of industry;   • Exhibitors;   • Distinguished guests;   • Friends from the media,   •...

Maiko Zulu on Zambian music heroes and heroines

Maiko Zulu on Zambian music heroes and heroines

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By #RootsCafe Don’t be cheated that they are the pioneers of Zambian music. They were not even born when we halted the dominance of Congolese music from taking over long before labels like Mondo Music were created, when even State House belonged to Tshala Muana, Franco and Mbilia Bel. Today they do a one-hit-wonder and next morning ati ‘legends, poineers, guru’s’…Know your history and show some respect. It’s not your investment that has made you, it’s someone else’s. Pontiano Kaiche It’s more like the freedom    struggle…Those who shed blood got nothing but the ones that came after ate even...

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