Category: Business

Press Statement Tuesday 21st April, 2020 on need to Profile Constituencies affected by floods by SEPA CEO Mailes Muke Zulu

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By Mailes Muke Zulu, Chief Executive Officer in Zambezi District, Northwestern Province Save Environment and People Agencyv(SEPA) As Save Environment and People Agency – SEPA we appeal to members of parliament in Floods hit areas to help profile Constituencies affected by Floods. With this currently situation of floods in North-Western and other provinces that has affected some districts we as a non- governmental organization feel members of parliament should call for a cacuas meeting, engage the local people through Councilors, profile each constituency so that well-wishers may come on board and help our women. It is for this reason that Save...


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Government of the Republic of Zambia PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: ZAMBIA RECEIVES USD 2.1 MILLION GRANT FROM THE GREEN CLIMATE FUND (GCF) FOR ITS NATIONAL ADAPATION PLAN (NAP) Lusaka, Zambia, Monday 20TH April 2020 — The Green Climate Fund (GCF) has awarded the Government Of the Republic of Zambia a Grant Of USD 2,184,355 for the development Of a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) for Climate Resilience. The Grant will enable the Government to formulate a medium to long-term climate adaptation plan, which will strengthen systems for integrating climate change adaptation into development planning and budget processes. The NAP will also...

U.S. Embassy Chargé d’Affaires David Young on America’s assistance to Zambia towards the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic

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America’s Unwavering Aid By David L. Young Chargé d’Affaires, a.i., U.S. Embassy The story of U.S. leadership in the global battle against COVID-19 is a story of days, months, and decades.  Every day, new U.S. technical and material assistance arrives in hospitals and labs around the world.  These efforts, in turn, build on a decades-long foundation of American expertise, generosity, and planning that is unmatched in history. The United States provides aid for altruistic reasons, because we believe it’s the right thing to do.  We also do it because pandemics don’t respect national borders. If we can help countries contain...

Statement by the Hon. Minister of Finance Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu on further measures aimed at mitigating the impact of the Coronavirus (covid-19) on the Zambian economy – Monday 20th April 2020

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REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE STATEMENT BY THE HON. MINISTER OF FINANCE Dr. BWALYA NG’ANDU ON FURTHER MEASURES AIMED AT MITIGATING THE IMPACT OF THE CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) ON THE ZAMBIAN ECONOMY APRIL 2020 1.0 PREAMBLE 1. Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen. Let me start by welcoming you all to this morning’s briefing at which we present our assessment of the impact of the Covid19 on economic performance. This is part of the ongoing effort to apprise the country of how we are impacted by this pandemic and it comes as a follow up to a similar briefing which we...

“ZESCO is one the biggest problems, we have in Zambia,” laments United Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema

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WE HAVE A BIG PROBLEM WITH ZESCO – HAKAINDE HICHILEMA There is no doubt that Zesco is one the biggest problems we have in Zambia. Without stable and consistent electricity power supply in the country, all our plans for economic resuscitation will be doomed. Here is the company that was one of the beneficiaries of the biggest chunk of the borrowed Eurobonds, but in a catastrophic failure to the nation, yet they increased electricity tariffs with the promise of better service. ZESCO stories of continuing with electricity loadsheding at a time economic activities that consume lots of power have scaled...

A Brief:Tobacco Use and Tobacco Control in Zambia – Centre for Primary Care Research University of Zambia, School of Medicine

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By Local:  Prof. Fastone M Goma Mr. Richard Zulu Mr. Evans Kangwa International:  Dr. Jeffrey Drope Ms. Qing Li Dr. Grieve Chelwa Dr. Ronald Labonte     Acknowledgements oSchool of Medicine, University of Zambia oAmerican Cancer Society oZambian tobacco farmers       Tobacco is predicted to become the leading single cause of death by 2020, causing more than one in every eight deaths. Half of all lifetime smokers will die prematurely as a result of tobacco use – losing 20-25 years in life expectancy compared with non-smokers. : Fagerström K. The Epidemiology of Smoking. Health Consequences and Benefits of Cessation....

‘I was a good candidate for failure,” recollects Lusaka Anglican priests, Rev. Fr. Pepulani Mtonga

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NELSON LONGESHA LUSAKA, ZAMBIA ‘I WAS A VERY GOOD CANDIDATE OF FAILURE’ Rev.Fr Pepulani Mtonga [row][third_paragraph] Left Side Content [/third_paragraph][paragraph_right] Right Side Content [/paragraph_right][/row]responds to questions during an interview at his office at St. Peters Anglican Church in Lusaka . Photo/ Saliya Mangani/Zamcom Born on the 10th of May 1987 in Lusaka at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) is Reverend .Fr Pepulani Mtonga whose childhood was mainly characterized by a burning passion of athletism, later developed a passion for law but currently is a Parish Assistant Pastor at St.Peters Anglican Church along Burma Road in Lusaka. Third in the family...

Response to Hon. Gary Nkombo’s allegations against UPND officials defecting PF in Western Province

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By Sunday Chilufya Chanda Media Director Patriotic Front Party Headquarters Saturday 18th April 2020 – We have taken note of Hon Garry Nkombo’s allegations raised this morning that former United Party for National Development (UPND) councillors and senior party officials resigning to join the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) in Western Province have been bought by the ruling Party. We wish to remind Hon Nkombo and the UPND family that every counsellor starts out with a dream to lead the people in their respective wards and contribute to improved service delivery. We hold the view that this is a calling, first of...

C & S Investments Ltd donates a variety of hygienic products and food stuffs to the Catholic Church’s Monze Mission Hospital

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#KwilanziNewsZambia Saturday 18th April 2020 Today, C & S Investments Ltd. has donated a variety of hygienic products and food stuffs to the Catholic Church’s Monze Mission Hospital. #C&SInvestmentsLtd #FightingCOVID-19 Be the first to like. Like Unlike

Supporting the media to effectively cover the COVID-19 response in Southern Africa,” prods PSAf

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  Panos Institute Southern Africa Saturday 18th April Press Statement By  Vusumuzi Sifile Executive Director, Panos Institute Southern Africa (PSAf) Email: Lusaka, 18 April 2020: Panos Institute Southern Africa is calling for increased support for media houses and individual journalists to effectively cover the response to the COVID-19 public health emergency, while staying safe from infection and other risks. While most of us are staying at home and working remotely in line with measures put in place by governments to curb the spread of COVID-19, media practitioners are out there generating in-depth information, educating the public and keeping various stakeholders up...

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