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TopStar Hands Over House & Car Grand Prize

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  By Derrick Sinjela A TopStar female subscriber Precious Lubinda Wamundila from Lusaka’s Makeni is now an instant ‘Land-Lady’ winning a two-bed roomed grand prized house in the K750,000 worth TopStar House Money Car 2017 Christmas promotion, with Emmanuel Muzeya Dilema from Solwezi, North—Western Province who walked away with the Nissan NP300 van. TopStar has given out a two-bedroomed house and a brand-new Nissan NP300 Hardbody in the final presentation of prizes in the just-ended TopStar House Money Car promotion to two lucky subscribers at a colourful ceremony in Lusaka. Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Mulenga Kampamba, who officiated at...

Empower vendors, PNU’s Highvie Hamududu advises President Lungu

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Personal viewpoint by Highvie Hamududu-President Party of National Unity (PNU) in Lusaka THE current crisis in Lusaka is a build-up of the failed economic policies devoid of people centeredness over the last two decades. Economic policies need a complete overhaul beginning with the 2018 budget, which disappointingly remains business as usual. All arms of government; Executive, Legislature and Judiciary must be repositioned to serve the greater interest of the majority. The post 1990 neoliberal economic policies blindly adopted have failed Africa, and threw the majority into squalor as evidenced by the growing informal sector that is unregulated, unsecured, unconnected to...

Why Banks must support the Mining Sector, prods Leina Gabaraane

Why Banks must support the Mining Sector, prods Leina Gabaraane

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By Leina Gabaraane THE most important gathering in the mining industry’s calendar took place last week as experts, executives and policy makers converge on Cape Town for the 2018 Investing in African Mining Indaba. Our own Minister of Mines and Minerals Development, Hon. Christopher Yaluma, was among those speaking at the event, participating in three debates: How can we close the trust deficit between government, industry and communities? Mineral Resources Policy and Investment Opportunities in African Countries; and Enhancing transparency and good governance in the Extractives Sector. His extensive involvement is a measure of how important the mining is to...

Teachers’ Qualifications worry ZANEC’s Grace M. Sinkamba

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10th September, 2017 PRESSS STATEMENT (For Immediate Release) THE Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) is shocked by the revelations that over 500 teachers across the country have alleged forged academic qualifications. As a key stakeholder comprising 68 different educational sector oriented Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in Zambia, the ZANEC is calling for an urgent and extensive investigation in the matter to ascertain the exact magnitude of the problem. The provision of quality education is one of the cornerstones of the education sector and having teachers possessing credentials that lacked credibility should not be tolerated. ZANEC also emphasizes the need for having constant and tight...

National Biosafety Authority-UNE–GEF host February 2018 Twangale Park Sensitization Workshop

National Biosafety Authority-UNE–GEF host February 2018 Twangale Park Sensitization Workshop

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By Derrick Sinjela THE National Biosafety Authority (NBA) a Zambian statutory body established through the Biosafety Act No. 10 of 2007, will hold a sensitization and awareness workshop in conjunction with the United Nations Environment –Global Environment Facility from the 20th to 21st February, 2018 at Twangale Park, for selected key stakeholders in order to establish the Biosafety Clearing House (BCH) as a fully functional and effective platform for implementation of the Cartagena protocol. According to National Biosafety Authority Communications Officer, Sandra Lombe-Mulowa the sensitization and awareness meeting aim is to consolidate and intensify cooperation toward achieving common goals and...

QTV/QFM Radio 89.1MHz’s Favourite Jenala Kalando , 5FM 89.9MHz’Mike Sichula, ZNBC’s Brian Mwale shine @2017 REA Media Awards at Radisson Blu Hotel Lusaka Thursday 22nd February 2018

QTV/QFM Radio 89.1MHz’s Favourite Jenala Kalando , 5FM 89.9MHz’Mike Sichula, ZNBC’s Brian Mwale shine @2017 REA Media Awards at Radisson Blu Hotel Lusaka Thursday 22nd February 2018

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Favourite Jenala Kalando of QTV/QFM Journalist, Radio 89.1MHz, 5FM 89.9MHz and now Radio Phoenix 89.5FM Mike Sichula Journalist and Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) Journalist Brian Mwale at the enviable 2017 Rural Electrification Authority Media Awards at Radisson Blu Hotel Lusaka Thursday 22nd February 2018 Picture by Rainbow Zambia Derrick Sinjela – Zambian Developmental Media Alliance (ZADEMA) Be the first to like. Like Unlike

K3.9 billion for key empowerment programmes in 2018

K3.9 billion for key empowerment programmes in 2018

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Issued by Chileshe Kandeta : Original Signed for MINISTRY OF FINANCE -Zambia In line with the spirit of the Government’s economic transformation agenda, the Ministry of Finance wishes to respond to requests by citizens for information on empowerment programmes in the 2018 Budget. The budget provides practical measures to diversify the economy, create jobs, reduce poverty, empower citizens, protect the vulnerable, and reduce inequalities. In addition to some on-going programmes facilitated through foreign financing such as the US$ 50 million Zambia Agriculture Enterprise Development Fund, over K3.9 billion has been provided in the 2018 Budget for empowerment programmes under...

Cousinship Moment – John Tembo Njovu supports Mrs Katongo Mulenga Maine’s ‘Selina -Life an Journey of an Entrepreneur’ book launch

Cousinship Moment – John Tembo Njovu supports Mrs Katongo Mulenga Maine’s ‘Selina -Life an Journey of an Entrepreneur’ book launch

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Mrs Katongo Mulenga Maine, the author of Katongo Mulenga Maine – Selina – The Life and Journey of an Entrepreneur at her book’s launch on Friday 23rd February 2018 at the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross -Pictures by John Tembo Njovu   Be the first to like. Like Unlike

Statement by his Excellency Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia, at a State Banquet hosted in his honour during the State Visit to the Republic of Rwanda from 21st – 22nd February, 2018

Statement by his Excellency Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia, at a State Banquet hosted in his honour during the State Visit to the Republic of Rwanda from 21st – 22nd February, 2018

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Your Excellency, Mr. Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda; Honourable Ministers from the Republic of Zambia and the Republic of Rwanda; Your Excellencies, Ambassadors and High Commissioners accredited to the Republic of Rwanda; Distinguished Guests: I am greatly honoured for me to be before all of you as Guest of Your Excellency President Kagame and the great people of the Republic of Rwanda. Let me take this opportunity to convey my heartfelt congratulations to Your Excellency for your election as New Chair of the Assembly of the African Union. I am confident that you will effectively drive the...

Proflight and MTN reward airtime winner Father Angelo Bellati

Proflight and MTN reward airtime winner Father Angelo Bellati

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Durban-bound contestant is floating on air LUSAKA, ZAMBIA – Airtime took on a new meaning for a lucky MTN customer this week when he was presented with two return Proflight flights to Durban and a K30,000 cheque from the mobile phone company as winner of the network’s 12 Days of Christmas promotion. Father Angelo Bellati of Lusaka was the fortunate contestant left on cloud nine after his phone number was selected in the competition run during the festive season on Rock FM. MTN business general manager Komba Malukutila said the two companies came together to make sure customers win big. “We...

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