Zambian cricket talent cheers Gethin Smart
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By Jessie Zimba, Helen Nsokolo & Fulman James Mukobeko Nico at Lusaka’s Olympic Africa
A UNITED Kingdom (UK) based sports philanthropist and trainer Gethin Smart is cheered over noted talent among indigenous cricketers being mentored at Olympic Africa grounds, under Saidi Malama’s Elite Cricket Academy (ECA).
Speaking after making a sporting equipment donated witnessed by Olympic Africa Manager George Goma, ECA Manager and Trainer, Malama, ground manager, John Mbulo, Mumbarak Jawadu and Midlands Cricket Association (MCA) member Zuber Patel, Gethin expressed satisfaction at skills displayed by indigenous cricketers.
Gethin, in Zambia on a Sport in Action representative expressed delight that indigenous Zambians continue showing a lot of interest and determination in criicket despite the playing surface at Olympic Africa requiring attention.
“I am impressed with the interest generated by Elite Cricket Academy as boys and girls continue to display remarkable cricket talent. With a lot more attention by on the pitch, these young lads and lasses will really become proficient cricketers’,” mused Gethin.
On his part, Goma restated a vow to continue partnering with Malama’s Elite Cricket Academy while Midlands Cricket Association representative, Zuber Patel pledged MCA and individual support toward encouraging community based cricket.

Midlands Cricket Association (MCA) member Zuber Patel thanking Gethin for the support to Elite Cricket Academy picture by Derrick Sinjela
“I am here to pledge support by Cricket Association Mr. Inayat Bagas, to Elite Cricket Academy. In view of the generated interest by children and young people, I equally pledge to personally contribute to the growth of this academy,” Zuber Patel vowed.

Olympic Africa
Elite Cricket Academy Chairperson Chris Phiri was represented by Saidi Malama, who described the facility as the First ever cricket academy in Zambian introduced to promote grassroots interest in the sports discipline.
Said Malama: “The Elite Cricket Academy is six-month-old and is meant to build a strong foundation, developing a passion for cricket among girls and boys. We are interested in promoting cricket as sports discipline, within the school environment and communities throughout Zambia. For now our focus is Lusaka Province. This partnership in developing interest in the sport of cricket will go a long way in helping children and young people grow into responsible citizens. The sporting investment will act as a means to curb drug above and illicit activities among young people as involvement in sports disciplines of any sort-in this instance cricket keeps them on the path to becoming responsible adults.”

George Goma is Olympic Africa Manager
Malama says Cricket has always been a growing sports discipline and this partnership with Olympic Africa, MCA and our International donor-Mr. Gethin Smart will nurturing the abundant community talent.
On account of information being a power marketing tool, Malama acknowledged a communication partnership with Zambian Developmental Media Alliance (ZADEMA), a coalition of electronic and print media journalists and media houses.

Saidi Malama is Elite Cricket Academy Manager
“We applaud electronic and print media journalists for the noted interest in cricket as a sports discipline.

Elite Cricket Academy after a donation by Gethin Smart picture by Derrick Sinjela
We urge more people and institutions of goodwill to come on board and help us build a perfect nursery for the growth of Zambian cricket,” said an elated Malama.
Elite Cricket Academy now has 43 boys under 16 years of age, and 23 girls under 15 years of age, currently going through cricket mentorship at international level supervised by qualified coaches.
Our interest as Elite Cricket Academy or ECA is to see a birth of umpiring, curators and coaches courses building cricket abilities among children and young people. We have a lot of technically qualified male and female coaches. We appreciate Mr Gethin Smart for the kind gesture exhibited through provision of cricket equipment,” acknowledged Malama.
Malama recognized support rendered by Sport, Youth and Child Development Minister, Moses Mawere and implored the corporate world to emulate Mr Smart’s gesture by contributing materially, monetarily and technically toward nurturing cricket talent in Zambia.
“I believe that increased involvement and development of cricket and other sports disciplines will result in its citizens becoming healthy. In addition, children and young people expected to be groomed by Elite Cricket Academy will contribute to increase incomes at household and community level,” observed Malama.
Malama implored Midlands Cricket Association (MCA) chairperson Inayat Bagas and affiliates to regard Elite Cricket Academy as a nursery through which to access professional cricketers’.