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By Madube Pasi Siyauya, NGOCC Head Communication & Advocacy

Linda Kasonde is LAZ President

LPresident Edgar Chagwa Lungu with NGOCC Chairperson Sara Longwe
THE Non-governmental Organizations’ Coordination Council (NGOCC) joins the OASIS Forum in condemning attacks against Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) President Linda Kasonde.
Having been duly elected LAZ president by the General Assembly in April 2016, Ms. Kasonde carries the mandate to speak on behalf of LAZ and any attacks directed to her as an individual are only meant to intimidate and discourage her from discharging her duties.
As a women’s movement we stand in solidarity with Ms. Kasonde and conclude that the personal attacks against her are being perpetuated in order to silence all legitimate views being expressed against the government.
We further stand and support the views expounded by LAZ regarding disparaging remarks made against the Judiciary. Zambia being a democracy should operate under the democratic tenets of separation of powers and all three wings of government the Judiciary, Executive and Legislature should all be allowed to operate freely without undue influence or intimidation from any one wing. We believe such remarks directed at the judiciary will only work to destroy the young democracy that the country is building.
We are especially concerned that if this trend of intimidation to institutions such as the judiciary and LAZ in particular continues, the voices of women and children as well as their vested interest will be suppressed even more.
We demand that Ms. Kasonde be allowed to discharge her duties free of intimidation and personal attacks. As the women’s movement we stand with Ms. Kasonde and support her in all endeavors as LAZ President.

Linda Kasonde in a tussle with the President’s Spokesperson Amos Chanda
Sara Longwe
NGOCC Chairperson

Madube Pasi Siyauya
Contact: Madube Pasi Siyauya
Head Communication & Advocacy
Non Governmental Organisation’s Coordinating Council (NGOCC)

Witney Mulobela
Plot No. 5168
Nchoncho Road
P.O Box 37879,