Canon Emmanuel Chikoya prods Zambian government to scrutiny mining investors
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Father Emmanuel Chikoya worried by gassing
By Kwilanzi News Zambia
COUNCIL of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) General Secretary Reverend Father Canon Emmanuel Chikoya prods Zambian government thoroughly scrutiny mining investors, in an apparent reference to Mopani
Copper Mines Plc is a Zambian registered copper mine owned by Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM-IH) with10 per cent shares, Glencore Plc at 73.1 per cent shares and First Quantum Minerals Limited with 16.9 per cent shares.
Rendering a pastoral advice, Canon Chikoya spiritually viewed happening at Mopani Copper Mines (MCM) in Kitwe and Mufulira on the Copperbelt Province as a lesson to Government through Mines Minister, Richard Musukwa to scrutinize investors once approached by prospective mine owners.
Canon Chikoya, a banker by profession spiritually called for soberness among employees and Government parties engaging to dialogue with Mopani Copper Mines Management to ensure that they come up with a win-win economically sustainable outcome.
A remorseful Canon Chikoya, who succeeded Reverend Dr. Suzanne M’membe-Matale as CCZ General Secretary told Kwilanzi News Zambia in an interview in Lusaka that it is sad that at a time when Zambia is facing teething high poverty, high income inequality and high unemployment, investors Glencore Plc and First Quantum Minerals Ltd plot to leave.
Fr. Chikoya urged Government through Mines Minister Richard Musukwa and Finance Minister Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu to ensure that thorough consultations are conducted transparently before signing mining agreements with investors to avoid a Mopani Copper Mines plan to place Kitwe and Mufulira Mines on care and maintenance at the expense of 11, 000 workers from recurring.
Glencore plc is a British multinational commodity trading and mining company with headquarters in Baar, Switzerland while First Quantum Minerals Ltd, listed for trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange, is a Canadian-based mining and metals company, whose principal activities include mineral exploration, development and mining. Its main product is copper, which accounts for 80 per cent of revenues as of 2016.

Anglican Diocese of Lusaka commends Canon Emmanuel Chikoya 111 feb 2018 pix Derrick Sinjela