Dr Kenneth Kaunda cannot reconcile HH and Lungu, but the reason why Zambia is going through all this mess
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KK with President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and President Rupiah Bwezani Banda mourn Salome Kapwepwe Sat 13 May 2017

HH Bishop Mambo and GBM
LOOKING at what our nation is going through today, it always gives me more appetite to read about Zambian political and cultural history time and again.
My OPINIONS are that Kaunda did lay a bad foundation for this nation and probably he is one of the key culprits why we are in this mess.

President Lungu when he paid a Courtesy call on the Litunga in Mongu on Saturday, June 9,2018-Picture by EDDIE MWANALEZA
There are serious issues that needs or rather would have needed serious Kaunda’s attention but he has ignored them all.
1. The Balotse Land agreement. Kaunda has been very mute on this matter as though he doesn’t exist yet this is a man who signed it. For me, I feel this is a crucial that we cannot opt to ignore.
2.Tribe remarks by PF officials and their members towards certain tribes treated second class in Zambia by the PF regime. The hate speech that PF officials have been championing Kaunda Knows it all but sorry he will not talk about it because he is the founder of “Umozi Kumaba” tribe ideology.
3. Unequal distribution of national cake. Public resources not being shared fairly to develop all regions.
4. His failure to educate those insulting Tongas for keeping cattle’s when in fact his trip with others to go to Britain and get the Independence being abused today was funded by selling animals for Tongas.
5. His coldness during the treason Charge against HH. I know someone would argue that he was turned away from visiting the UPND leader. But as a former head of state, Kaunda had the capacity to do more than that popcorn visit and further speak out in the dialogue matter Lungu is running away from.

FORMER First President Dr. Kenneth David Buchizya Kaunda and the Late Sir Mwanawina Lewanika III K.B.E., Litunga of Barotseland share a light moment in this undated picture
Coming to my argument. Kaunda believed in one party state in other words I can say he had a brutal regime and a pure dictator and how can he tell the brutal Lungu to stop killing citizens and championing divisive remarks?
Zambia was not founded on democracy after we were announced INDEPENDENT. Kaunda re-colonised us way back and this has been a trend for all leaders who have followed. Something Chiluba wanted to follow by pushing for a third term and Lungu is pushing the same agenda.
To make a house strong you need to lay a strong foundation. Look at South African democracy today. It is, what it is because of the humble foundation Nelson Mandela built for his nation and not what Mr. Kaunda did. What Nelson Mandela did gave a hope to generations and generations to come in South Africa were democracy is concerned.
So my honest submission and individual opinion is that I don’t have a genuine reason to celebrate Kaunda’s life because he did not build a strong and inspiring foundation for this nation.

Power FM owner Kenny Tonga shakes hands with USA Ambassador Eric Schultz whilst President Lungu looks
Him being quite on tribe hate PF is advocating for every day, Kaunda knows it well and he knows which side he belongs to. We have seen thousands of Zambians who come from Southern , Western, N.Western being retired by Lungu due to their tribes and regions. This is serious and may look nothing but one day everyone will demand the real meaning of it. Lungu whilst Kaunda is watching has been pushing tribe tensions between Tongas and Bembas and I want to thank Honourable Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba and UPND president Hakainde Hichilema for working together and proving Lungu wrong. PF believes in divide and rule. Kaunda I believe is still a bitter man because it is these affected regions that voted him out. These regions gave birth to multiparty democracy you can google and see how many votes Chiluba got from Southern Zambia in 1991 .
When I look at Dr Kaunda, I see someone who wanted to be our leader till death and not someone who could value democracy. And I doubt how such a senior citizen can guide young’s.
However, this bad seed our first republican president planted and that he wishes not to uproot soon as he is aging, will lead our nation into serious troubles than what we see today.
My honest appeal to Dr Kaunda is that tell the Zambians and the world the honest answer about the agreement, is it fake or original? Your intentions when signing it and the way forward.
Secondly tell the nation where Zambia came from .This will help us give each other respect. It is wrong for some selfish individuals to continue treating other tribes like second class when you know who did what in the struggle for Independence. Look at how Inonge Wina was hallucinating about PF deliberate failure to take development in N.Western. When did Zambia get independence ? And when did Chinese take over Zambia for Wina to claim Chinese are worried about public talks hence they have not done the roads. This is ridiculous from such a person who actually knows the humiliation people there have suffered.
It pains to listen to some dehumanising remarks in the streets towards certain tribes and yet we have you Dr Kaunda who coined the ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION Motto watching Lungu championing the campaign.
We need unit for a better Zambia and you know what should be done for us to see this unit as a nation.