… Kenneth Simbeye and wife Holla Kunda-Simbeye empower 100 Lusaka widows
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Bishop David Masupa (right) with Mrs Simbeye and Mr. Simbeye centre-Picture by Derrick Sinjela
By Derrick Sinjela and Francis Maingaila
BARELY five days before Xmas 2020, Lusaka’s Triumphant Foundation Trust (TFT) donated assorted foodstuffs and toiletries to 100 widows and orphans too numerous to count on two palms at a spirit-filled Sons and Daughters Ministries at Chipata’s Fiswepo area, within Mandevu Constituency.
Triumphant Foundation Trust Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Holla Kunda Simbeye told journalist in an interview on the side-lines of rainy Sunday 20th December 2020 morning donation that beneficiaries were drawn from Chipata compound and surrounding areas, who gladly converged at Sons and daughters of Light Church in the densely populated Mandevu Constituency, administered by Patriotic Front (PF) Member of Parliament (MP) Ms. Jean Kapata.
Ms. Kapata is currently serving as Lands and Natural Resources Minister, in a Government led by President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and Vice President, Inonge Mutukwa-Wina, formerly chairperson of the Non-Governmental Gender Organisation Coordinating Council (NGOCC).
Among the items donated are the 100 bags of mealie meal, 100 containers of cook oil, 100 packets of bullets soap, and pockets of sugar all valued at about 100, 000, resources shared by the 100 families.
For now, the donation is coming from the family contribution
Mrs. Holla Kunda Simbeye said her husband Kenneth Simbeye had put money in a common basket but the philanthropic couple continue praying to God that someday donors and numerous Good Samaritans will come on board to supplement their effort of reaching out to needy people.
“Our plan through this donation is targeting over 120 widows and several other orphans. This exercise has been going on for close to two years and now during which time our family has achieved so many things. Besides feeding the poor, the foundation has been sending students to schools, including colleges,” mused Mrs. Holla Kunda Simbeye.
In addition, every Monday the Triumphant Foundation Trust is always at Chainama prison and on Tuesdays the foundation goes to Chipata Clinic a stone throw from Sons and Daughters Ministries to feed the patients.
Looking ahead, Triumphant Foundation Trust is considering decentralising beyond Lusaka Province by ameliorating vulnerability in Zambia’s remaining nine provinces, namely; Central, Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Muchinga, Northern, North-Western, Southern and Western.
“Aside from Lusaka, we shall reach share these blessings with vulnerable people in Kabwe, Ndola, Chipata, Mansa, Chinsali, Kasama, Solwezi, Choma and Mongu, and beyond Zambia once resources come our way,” Mrs. Holla Kunda Simbeye told journalists.
Mrs. Holla Kunda Simbeye found it prudent to holistically touch the vulnerable people including widows and orphans in the Zambian society through preaching the gospel and feeding, clothing the less privileged.
Her decision to venture this route of giving is provided for in the bible which says he or she who loves the widows and orphans loves the Almighty God, through the Lord Jesus Christ.
On his part, Director General for Triumphant Foundation Trust Kenneth Simbeye said he had been a link to the foundation by virtue of being the husband to the founder and brainchild- Mrs. Holla Kunda Simbeye.
Triumph Foundation Trust is a Philanthropic organization, wholly Zambian owned whose headquarters are situated at Plot 13054 Munali Street in the Mitumbi area of Lusaka Central Zambia.
The foundation was started on the Thursday 14th of February 2019 with its mission “To Empower and alleviate those less fortunate”.
In pursuit and fulfilment of both its mission and vision; the foundation has at its core the following objective, among others; “
✓ To help the less fortunate with education.
✓ To provide shelter and clothing for the homeless
✓ To help the sick in hospitals and clinics
✓ To support orphans
✓ Offer support and feed street kids
✓ Supports widows through assisting them with assorted items”.
Speaking within earshot of Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) Board Chairperson, Bishop David Masupa, Bishop Dr. Eddie Mulenga from Liberty Christian Center Church and host Brother Michael Kaputula at Lusaka North Gate Mall behind NAPSA Housing, Mr. Simbeye conceded that initially he had been complacent over the initiative.
“I was forced to move in to the Foundation as I wanted to support the vision which my wife developed. I believe that giving must not always be associated with festival seasons but be an everyday act which people are born with. People must not only to be on the lookout but ensure that sharing with vulnerable communities or the have not’s is a virtue. As all people have challenges in one way or another, it is imperative to always endeavor to look after one another plight,” prayed Simbeye.
Philanthropist Simbeye implored Zambian citizens and others blessed abundantly to take it upon themselves to look after the needs less-privileged people in society as such resources belong to God while the wealthy are mere custodians.
“God has given these people a task to look after His resources through sharing with the needy people in society. Unless ‘blessed citizens’ share these riches, God can withdraw such grace,” admonished Mr. Simbeye.
On his part, ICOZ president Bishop David Masupa reiterated the importance of honouring widows and orphans as a biblical principle, norm or belief.
Bishop Masupa, serving as ZDA board chairperson told journalists that the Triumphant Foundation Trust is not just giving out essential goods to charity but expressing sincere love to vulnerable households.
“This is fulfilment of biblical guidance laid by the Lord Jesus’ Christ, who said when I was in need; you looked after me, when I was in prison you visited me and when I was naked; you clothed me, just as when I was hungry; you fed me,”” Bishop Masupa quoted: Matthew 25:35-40 English Standard Version (ESV) 35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers”.
Bishop Masupa said he was accepted to be guest of honour in his capacity as ZDA Board Chairperson to support the Triumphant Foundation Trust and link it to other strategic partners, reiterating that ‘True Religion’ is helping needy people; widows and orphans,.
And having served Mandevu Constituency as a Minister of the Gospel for 23 years, Bishop Dr. Eddie Mulenga from Liberty Christian Church said the call to all Churches is not to be self-centred but to look up to the needy people in the proximity area.
“There many people in society today that need to be assisted by those who have a lot to spare. During the advent of COVID-19, many people could not have a means to secure even a K5 face mask as income streams for marketers and many in the informal sector were closed. Churches and pastors must reach out to them and put a smile on their faces beyond the pew and our walls,” prodded Bishop Mulenga.
Bishop Mulenga advised the Churches and Pastors not only to reach out to the needy in their churches but to all those that need help in the surrounding areas, as giving support must not be religiously restricted.
Buttressing Bishop Masupa’s clarion call to good-hearted people, Bishop Mulenga invited those that have the desire to provide for the needy to partner with the Triumphant Foundation Trust and render the desired help.